Von: 26. Sep, 2021 11:00
Bis: 26. Sep, 2021 16:00
Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Sebastian Blasius: Absent Wolves

# living together


The performance project by Sebastian Blasius experimented with new forms of the collective and nomadic and included the voices of Düsseldorf citizens.

Voices from Düsseldorf's urban society met nomadic practices met instructions for wolf hunting. We have become accustomed to the absent wolves as a result of their deliberate extermination: with the settling of man, the wolf was declared our competitor. Cut off from its natural hunting grounds, it invaded the man-made order, helped itself to the livestock. Who, on the other hand, could we be if we had developed a different, non-dominant relationship to our environment in which the wolf could also coexist?

The performance project experimented with new forms of the collective and nomadic and included the voices of Düsseldorf citizens: What alternative ways of being in the world are imaginable for them? What is life like without wolves?

The project was designed as an installation; spectators were free to choose when to come and go between 11 am and 4 pm.

Concept/Direction: Sebastian Blasius
Performers/Participants: Calvin-Noel Auer, Nadja Bruder, Fabian Hagen, Annelie Korn, Leon Rüttinger, Pujan Sadri, Clara Schwinning, Rosalia Warnke (graduating class »Schauspiel« of the Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen/Bochum)
Interior design: Ralf Ziervogel


»Absent Wolves« in the Unterhaus of the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

distance-l8 - 1920
distance-l7 - 1602
distance-l6 - 1568
distance-l5 - 1440
distance-l4 - 1325
distance-l3 - 1164
distance-l2 - 1080
distance-l1 - 1024
distance-s1 - 799
distance-s2 - 720
distance-s3 - 640
distance-s4 - 414
distance-s5 - 320