Von: 28. Aug, 2021 16:45
Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Foyer
Kunst, Politik und Partei im Jahr 2021

# political system


How do small parties contribute to strengthening democracy? Are they the most effective means of increasing political participation? And what do they have to do with art? These questions were discussed in the panel discussion.

For the imminent federal election on 26 September, 54 parties and electoral associations have been admitted, 47 are actually contesting. Of the 47, 40 were small parties. It is well known that smaller parties can influence politics by bringing innovative ideas and other voices into the field. But how else do they contribute to strengthening democracy? Are small parties the most effective means of increasing political participation? And what do they have to do with art?

Fabian »SirQlate« Blume and Yvonne (Ocran) Müller, Pastor Leumund, Lukas Beckmann, Johannes Stüttgen and Claudine Nierth discussed this; moderated by Eugen Blume and Catherine Nichols.

NOTE: For legal reasons, there is no recording of this event. Thank you for your understanding.

Briefwahl in Baden-Württemberg

Ballot papers for the 2021 federal election

distance-l8 - 1920
distance-l7 - 1602
distance-l6 - 1568
distance-l5 - 1440
distance-l4 - 1325
distance-l3 - 1164
distance-l2 - 1080
distance-l1 - 1024
distance-s1 - 799
distance-s2 - 720
distance-s3 - 640
distance-s4 - 414
distance-s5 - 320